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Are you prepared for lambing?

With lambing just around the corner, it is important to ensure you are as prepared as possible. Make sure to have all of the necessary equipment, but also have the ability to recognise signs of disease. This is essential to ensure lambing runs smoothly and effectively. Even with the best planning, some things can still go wrong. It is important to recognise and know how to treat common conditions.

Common conditions in ewes include: Twin Lamb Disease; Low Calcium; Low Magnesium; Abortions; Prolapse.

Common conditions in lambs include: Hypothermia; Watery Mouth; Diarrhoea; Naval and Joint Ill.

Prevention is key! Ensuring adequate nutrition is extremely important. Pre-Lambing Bloods give us a great indicator of nutrition before lambing. Also, provision of good quality colostrum is essential for good lamb health, testing colostrum can be carried out to monitor the quality of your ewe’s colostrum.

See our Winter Newsletter for the full article!