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Fly Control – Don’t Delay!

Why Treat?

Although we may just see flies as a nuisance, uncontrolled fly populations can significantly affect your livestock:

  • Reduced milk yield by up to 20%
  • Increased incidence of summer mastitis
  • Reduced calf weaning weights by up to 9kg
  • Reduced reproductive potential in sheep
  • Downgraded quality of wool clip 
  • Welfare issues in both species

When to Treat?

Different species of flies are active at varying times of the year. This means a summer long threat is present with waves of irritants emerging all season long. Regular, frequent treatment is required throughout the period of risk to keep existing flies, as well as any newly emerging populations, under control.

If you delay treatment until significant numbers of flies are noticeable, it is already too late to adequately control fly numbers! Reproduction of the existing population will have already commenced, meaning hundreds to thousands of eggs will be lurking in the surrounds, waiting to hatch and compound the problem.

Start treatment early before a problem even arises to maximise the success!