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Early Spring 2017 Newsletter

This early spring newsletter features articles on: the treatment and prevention of orf in sheep, care of the Down cow, management of pre-lambing ewes to prevent problems of twin lamb disease, low calcium and/or magnesium, abortions and prolapses, and also some advice on parasite control for the spring.

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Autumn 2016

Articles featured in our autumn newsletter include: ringworm in cattle – its effect on performance, and diagnosis and control. Salmonella in cattle also comes under the spotlight, with advice on its treatment and prevention.

There’s an update on the Calf Tracker initiative: what it involves and the benefits of taking part. We also look at some examples of best practice in record-keeping for sheep flocks, give an update on parasite control at housing, and list details of this season’s VPS offers. 

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Summer 2016

In our summer newsletter, there’s a reminder on the signs of Bluetongue in cattle and sheep, information on two new health schemes: Calf Tracker and BVD Free, and two new technologies: Elanco’s Imrestor and genomics. We outline the signs of poisoning from buttercups or St John’s Wort, and include advice from Alltech on assessing and reducing the risk of mycotoxins from affecting health and performance in dairy herds.

As autumn approaches, it’s also time to consider what strategies are needed to protect ewes from abortion-causing diseases. So we’ve included an outline of the pre-tupping vaccinations available to protect your flock’s performance, and advise you to discuss these with your vet.

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Spring 2016

In our Spring newsletter, there is information on the new rules to help reduce the risk of TB spread, some novel dairy technologies (Moocall and Fever Tags), and an update on XLVets' Calf Tracker initiative.

We also run through some topical sheep and lamb diseases including Blue Tongue, and give a rundown on what is involved with a Bull Breeding Soundness examination. 

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Winter 2015/16

In this newsletter, there are details on XLVets' new initiative Calf Tracker - which is designed to help you optimise the health and performance of your calves, plus articles on mineral deficiencies, and Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs).

Our vet Max Hardy is also recommending that shoots review the season they have just had, and consider their game bird management and health.

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Autumn 2015

In this newsletter, we've information on the emerging parasite threat: Haemonchosis (Barber's pole worm) - the signs to look out for, and how best to control it. Plus there's information on Black Leg in cattle, as we have recently been seeing cases of this.

Sheep farmers can test their flock for Toxoplasmosis by taking advantage of a Barren Ewe Check from December through to March.

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Summer 2015

In the Summer newsletter we update you on how and why our practices have expanded, and introduce new vet Max Hardy. There is also information on lungworm in cattle and how to control it, plus news on various TB matters, and the launch of XLVets' Sheep Lameness campaign.

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