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TBAS: Let’s stop TB

Everyone who farms cattle has concerns over TB and the thought of an upcoming TB test may fill you with dread. But this where TBAS comes in. We are now working with TBAS to help you regain some control and prevent TB from becoming a problem on your farm. The TB Advisory Service (TBAS) is a government funded project that offers practical, farm specific, cost effective advice regarding the control of TB on farm. This free advice and support is aimed at managing TB as an infectious disease that can be controlled and its risks mitigated through biosecurity measures.

What services will benefit you?

On farm visits, telephone advice, badger sett surveys and personalised recommendations unique to your farms management plan - all with one of our own vets for familiarity!

The farm visits are completed by specially trained, independent vets. Rebecca, one of our own farm vets has completed all of the necessary training and is now available to carry out the specialised, fully funded visits. If you wish to book in for this service, please contact our TB Coordinator.

What is involved?

The visits are designed to be delivered in two parts, the first part is an initial visit involving completion of a questionnaire and a farm walk to identify potential risks for the spread of TB from other cattle or wildlife sources. A list of four farm specific recommendations is generated for you, the farmer, to implement in order to reduce the risk of TB transmission on farm. All of these recommendations are designed to be practical, achievable and cost effective. With the new DEFRA grant structure due to be launched over the next few seasons, you may even be eligible to gain financial support to help you implement the recommendations made in your initial visit.

The second part of the scheme involves a follow up visit from 3-6 months later, whereby the implementation of the recommendations is reviewed. Evidence must then be provided so that Rebecca can submit a report to TBAS to show the completion of the two visits and provide feedback on results.

Who is this available to?

Visits are available to any farm with a CPH number, making camelids and other non-bovine species also eligible for the service. Visits are suitable for any farm regardless of your TB history. This is a great opportunity to reduce the likelihood of future outbreaks or to help manage current breakdowns.