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Reminder: Toxovax Orders

Thankfully, the 2024 supply for the toxoplasmosis vaccine is looking promising! That being said, we can never guarantee reliable supply and so we recommend placing your orders as soon as possible.

Key Points to Remember:

¨ Toxovax has a very short shelf-life of around 7-10 days.

¨ Orders must be placed in advance with a planned dispatch date to work with your schedule.

¨ Vaccines can be purchased in batches. You don’t need to commit to vaccinating all of your ewes in one go. This is especially beneficial for those who are unsure on how many replacements will be purchased.

¨ Vaccination can be given to ewes as early as 4 months before tupping and no later than 3 weeks before. Or from 5 months of age.

We encourage you to consider vaccinating sooner rather than later, just in case any supply problems occur later in the year.

Our Vet Tech’s can be available if you need an extra pair of hands on vaccination day. They are fully trained and more than competent with both medicine administration and sheep handling.